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My poor, now "non waterproof" boots |
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THE Lifesaver |
At about 1000, Ben took us all to ?? gorge out on the Hermansberg road for a swim and a barbque. We had an absolutly fantastic time and were all flogged, and slightly cooked, by the time we got back to Alice. The kids had a blast and Ben did a fantastic job with the pork snags. I think Niamh had 3 of them !!
This morning (29th Dec) I was up at 0515 and in the kitchen Ben & Ji Yoon were busy !! Ben was putting together a gob stopper of a breakfast with pan fried ham, eggs, freshly grilled mushrooms and with tomatoes and garlic on top of a toasted bun. Yum !!
Ji Yoon had made a container of my favourite rice and seaweed balls to take with me to munch on later in the day. Oh.... And a couple small bottles of ginseng to drink when I'm feeling flogged.
I left at 0630 with Ben, Ji Yoon, Liviul and Niamh making sure I leave :-)
First stop was at Kulgera Roadhouse. I ran the tank dry at 274 km. 1km short of the roadhouse. Getting good distance with the trailer on.
Spoke to soon !!! Hit a strong wind just south of Marla and range dropped to 255 km / tank thereafter. A couple of very strong gusts hit me before Cooper Pedy and if it was'nt for the trailer I would have been blown off the road. they were short sharp gusts that came out of nowhere !!
Basically I spent the day "just rollin along" Km after Km after Km. 1068 of them today until I called it a day at Pimba. Forgot I was on SA time which is 1 hour ahead of good old NT time. I pulled up at 1830 (NT time) for a 12 hour day. Refuelled, booked in for the night and oiled and adjusted the chain.
Went to get a beer and they were shut !!! It was, by then, 2020 (SA time). Not realising the time difference, the doors had shut at 8pm. Lucky I had Ji Yoons rice balls to munch on. (Yes, I know, I could have heated up some noodles and chucked in a small tin of tuna (opened of course :-)) but was a bit too flogged for that.
Anyway........ There were a few blokes sitting out the front along with a family that I had pass me a couple of times throughout the day. When I tried the door and found it was locked one of the blokes said "it's closed mate, it's after 8. What were you after" ? "A beer" was my response, "but I can live with out one." About 15 min later there was a knock on my door and there was the bloke from the family with a 500ml can of Amsterdam Mariner Premium Larger !! He said, "We were too late as well but we had our own beer. This is for you". What a nice person and what a great way to end this long day !!! :-)
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30th !!! An early start for the day from Pimba. Hoping the chain holds out until I get to Port Augusta or even Adelaide. The countryside slowly changed from low shruby country to something that showed people lived there. Sheep first and then farmland. Mostly wheat by the look of it. Traffic was picking up also. Mostly heading north with trailers. (Probably going bush for the long weekend.)
Stopped at Augusta for a coffee fix and a look at the yellow pages for Hyosung dealer. No luck.. Cheapest fuel so far at 1.377 / litre. The next stop was 250K south (can't remember the name) which was 98 clicks out of Adelaide.
But wait !!!!!
As I went through the "don't blink" town? of Redfield (population maybe 10 humans and exactly 400,000,000 bloody kamakazi grashoppers) I was savagely attacked by said grasshoppers !!! The first I knew about it was heavy splat on the middle of my visor followed immediatly with blows to the shoulders and chest. Next moment my visor was turned into a yellow and green blindfold. I was blind, then self preservation kicked in and I tucked in tight behing the bikes screen and partially lifted my visor. I could see again !! Sort of. I could feel them hitting the upper front of my helmet and my legs. This went of for about 10k and everytime I thought I was clear they would try again !! Eventually thay gave up and aimed for the bigger and easier targets, the cars and trucks, I have not seen so many yellow / green vehicles - ever !!
I pulled up at a servo just out of Wakefield to (1) refuel (2) clean my visor and bike screen !! It was then I saw my boots. Picasso would have been proud !!
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One Shoulder |
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Partially cleaned Helmet |
It was also there that I called Kate (the organiser) to chase up new sprockets and a new chain for the bike. They were looking very tired (so tired that they were past being cactus). And (NEVER start a sentence with AND !!) as usual she came up with the goods. Not only that but also organised them (Peter Stevens Motorcycles in Adelaide) to install them as well !! What a girl !!
Life and love does not run smoothly. About 7 clicks out of Adelaide I stopped to set up the GPS so that I could find the bike shop. The bike would not restart $@#$#@!!!! I tried EVERYTHING !!! Even went as far as standing on one leg with my left arm behind my back, nothing !! Oh... it would turn over like a charm. But start ?? Nooooo. Adam came to the rescue here and asked them to call me, which they did. The mechanic thought that maybe I had been standing on the wrong leg but I assured him that I had tried ALL variations known to man.
He then., bless him, said that he would sent out a van to pick up my bike and trailer.
Back at the workshop the head gun said that I would have to wait until tuesday as the "non starting" issue would take too long to fix. Someone gave the mechanic good ears as he came over and said that as he could do no more on the bike he was working on he would start on mine. He checked the bike on the computer and everything came up roses (Yellow and green ones). He thought the plugs may have burnt out but when I told him I had iridium plugs installed he ruled that out. At that I left them to sort it out and went across to their bike showroom to drool over a few bikes. Had to make the cleaners earn their keep !!
Lets cut this short and say that as I was putting down a deposit on a 2012 Black Suzuki GSX1250FA for $12490, (I must have been the salesmans dream buyer :-)), I recieved a call to say my bike had been fixed. The non starting problem was crappy fuel, probably at my last refuel as the filter was FULL of black gunk !! By now it was 1720 (Adelaide time).
Accomodation was discussed and they suggested across the road at the backpackers and as there was no parking, offered to lock my bike and trailer for the night.
An interesting day to say the least :-)