Monday, December 19, 2011

Have done a lot more work on the trailer :-)  The box is lined with a lightweight grey marine carpet.

Next all the lighting was removed and replaced with a marine LED system. Then I thought that I would install a 26 Amp Hour battery to keep the netbook, mobile phones etc charged. (Still waiting for the small (yes - marine) solar panel to arrive.

Also installed is a small safe to keep valuables (??) from being lifted by kind souls.
Why am I doing all this extra work ?? It's not like I have nothing else to do !!

The esky box is now installed and I have weighed everything that I have put in the trailer so far. 56Kg. Only Alanah's tent and our clothes to go so... I may still be well under my self imposed limit of 80Kg load.

Here are a few pics of the work so far.

A 12V outlet to keep the GPS running

LED Lighting. A 12V outlet and .. rego !!

The esky tray is fitted. Straps to hold the esky are next

The safe is bolted down. The battery is velcro'd in place

STILL waiting on the towbar for the bike. Starting to feel a little desperate for it. Apparently it's in Darwin... somewhere...

It dows not look as if I will get much of a "break-in" period with the setup before I go.

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