Friday, January 25, 2013

 13 Degrees C

I left Kate & Gordon's place at 0920 and headed down to the Suzuki dealer to get the chain adjusted. He needed a bar extension to crack the axle nut. No wonder I couldn't break it! Anyway, it was a 5 min job and I was on my way to savour the Great Ocean Road in the middle of the week!!!!!  Hopefully only light traffic.

The Start of the GOR

And it was :-)
A pano of the first observation point

The road was fantastic. Curve after curve after curve. Some tight as - and others 40 - 50kph posted that were taken at an energetic pace :-) The day was cool, bordering on cold, the traffic light and except for a handful of drivers, were all polite and pulled over into the layovers when I closed in on them. I rode the whole road through to Torquay where I stayed the night. I was cactus after 10+ hours of riding but my face was almost in a perpetual smile. Magic! Absolutlely! Totally in contrast to last years run on the GOR... (ie;- stinking hot and choked with cars)

The beach near the end of the GOR

I stayed at a motel in Torquay and I must have left my Wifi dongle there as I have been through all my gear and it's nowhere to be found! Blast, so early on my trip! It was 13 degrees when I left this morning but turned out to be a scorcher by midday.Victorian Weather !

I checked the bike and trailer over as I do every morning and this time I found that one of the bolts holding the tow bar riser had unscrewed itself almost to the last thread. Glad I saw that! Retightened it and added a touch of silicone to the thread. That will fix that!

I called into Geelong and had a locksmith cut me a key for the trailer. The keys I took from home had all the rest I needed but not THAT one. I know, I know, I should have checked all the locks before leaving home. Now I can lock the box when I have to leave the bike;-) Makes me feel much better!

All set up
I pulled into a BIG 4 caravan park for the night. It's 9 km from Melbourne CBD and exceptionally clean and well laid out. The train station is 1.5 km away so it will be into the city tomorrow to find a spare set of kevlar pants etc tomorrow. I have already been to the business centre and picked up some XS and enough vitamins for the rest of the trip :-)
Blog station:-)

Swung the cat! Didn't touch the sides


A beautiful cool day today. There was the occasional 2 or 3 drops but that was the extent of it. I ended up going by bus as the bus stop was justside the van park. Conveinent! Should have taken a jacket though. The wind was in a hurry in the city today and didn't want to waste time going around you. Brrrr. (Territory Wurst :-))

I had a look at the new suzy C90T cruiser (1500cc). Very nice. I spent some time looking at kevlars but ended up buying a pair of thermal gloves instead. I'll head in again tomorrow and have another look and also a new helmet. Mine is disintergrating on the inside.

Oh yes, I rang the Torquey van park yesterday and this afternoon when I came back from the city the woman at reception handed me a package. My WiFi dongle...  :-)

Thursday, January 24, 2013

The start of another bike trip !! Again to Tasmania as I felt that I did not get a chance to see everything. I doubt that I will this trip :-).

Departed home at 1400 for Rebecca's place. It rained from the Police Station through to Noonamah. Bucketed down. The jeans were soaked but the top half of me was dry! Even inside the boots were dry ! Hooray for good Italian made boots and a waterproof jacket!

I had planned to leave Beck's place by 0700 but it had started to rain so it was a 0800 start instead :-) All the wet gear went on. Brett traveled out with me and gave the trailer a thumbs up. It trailed beautifully. I had the load right. After the last trip I had worked out where everything should be in the trailer!
We went through some rain on the way to Adelaide River, where I thought Brett would  turn around and head home after refueling. I was wrong ! He enjoyed the ride , as I did, and decided to ride to Katherine with me. Thanks Brett !  Another couple of storms and I was still dry! Fantastic! I got into Katherine on the smell of an oily rag! When I refueled  the bike took 19 litres, the capacity of the tank!

After a coffee with Brett I headed off down the track with numerous storms to ride through. All I can say was that I was Dry Dry Dry !! :-) It felt great to be able to enjoy the ride without getting rained on!

The first night's stop was Tennant Creek. I was butt weary and after sending the required SMS's I crashed out! (I must look into the Iron Butt riders qualfications :-) or is that the Callused Butt riders? )

The Rig

A 0700 start and not a cloud on the sky ! A beautiful cool morning but by the time I reached Alice Springs it was starting to get hot. A quick munchie of a burger and a top up on the bike I was out of Alice and on the road again. Damn it was hot! I could feel the heat coming off the road and the air was furnace dry! I was not game enough to lift the visor as I could feel the heat drying my eyeballs! Talk about hot! By the time I got to Elrunda I had already stopped several times to splash water onto my head. The bike was going through the fuel as if it had shares in Shell or BP.

I had to stop at Elrunda for a while to cool  myself down. It was marshmello melting hot! When I restarted I had a belly full of water, had wet down my shirt and had the 'neck cooler' replenished. Oh yes, and my head cooled with a bottle of water as well.

Then on again, thinking, an air conditioned jacket would not go astray ! :-) I called it a day at Cadney Homestead where I took an air conditioned room for the night. I ate at the bar and I can say that the first beer didn't touch the sides when it went down. The second went a lot slower and kept pace with my Lamb chops in gravy served with mashed potatoes and a mountain of cauliflower with a cheese sauce. Nothing flash, but filling.

No signal, no SMS.

Another early start. There was still a bit of warmth in the air when I got up but after an hour or so the temperature warmed up but not to the brain frying extreme of yesterday. The 'neck cooler' had dried out buy the time I arrived at Coober Pedy so into the trailer it went.

Give me land, lots of land and no clouds above

Met a young fellow there who rode up on a black suzi GSX (a 600 I think). He was dressed in black tight jeans, a black T shirt (too small) with a packet of smokes tucked into his left sleeve. His full face helmet was black with a row of bright yellow spikes fixed to the top of the helmet.  He swaggers across with dark sunnies on, pats the trailer and says "Nice rig mate. I think I would like to be riding when I get to 50....... Then points to the bike and says "same as mine mate, same as mine" and then swaggers off into the servo.

With that I headed off.  By the time I reached Port Augusta I was running on the proverbial oily rag again (had spare fuel), Finally sent out the SMS's! After 18.9 litres of fuel in the tank and a top up for myself we were both ready to go again.

Instead of heading to Adelaide I cut across to Balaklava, Mallala, Grafton and on to Birdwood. The road from Grafton was a bikers delight and a fantastic change from boring straights. Arrived at Birdswood at about 1845 and after a beer at the pub found that I had to cut back about 10Km to find a caravan park to stay at. Found a small park called the Gorge Caravan Park which had small cabins for $60. Fantastic! It had all the gear so tea was the last of my cryovac packaged meals and a chance to open the PC  and put a few words together.

Lazy start today:-) Left about 0900 and had a coffee next to a bike shop in Birdwood called Bikes and Bits. Facinating place. Like stepping back in time. Old bike parts hanging from every possible spot in the rafters. Boxes and boxes of old bike parts on shelves and old bikes everywhere! It was like being in a time warp! And yes, they do work on new bikes but prefer the older stuff.
1946 Indian

The Motor Museum opened at 1000 and as I handed cash over I asked if there was any concession for grey hair. She laughed and gave me $4 off instead of the $2 off the normal entry fee :-)

The museum was like a surprise box, the more you looked, the more you found. The building was deceptively large. Their display of cars was fantastic but what I really enjoyed was the more unusual vehicles such s the one that was the first vehicle to drive from Adelaide to where Darwin was to be, and.... there were no roads or tracks. It was scrub bashing all the way! Another was a modifies BMW motorcycle that had traveled around the world and  Australia. Another was an Australian built car made of planks of wood with a steering wheel with the steering column having a universal joint halfway along the shaft so that the driver could walk alongside the vehicle and still have wheel in both hands. ????

First official STATION wagon.

Birdwood Hotel

The display I enjoyed best was the motorcycle section. What a range of different 2 wheeled machinery!!! Motorcycles and motorized bicycles. I spent over 3 hours just wandering around, from exhibit to exhibit. Well worth the visit.

From there I took the back way to Naracoorte. The road was so much more enjoyable than the main highway. Though once I hit Murray Bridge I had to use the highway again..
I arrived at Naracoorte at about 1700. (After stopping at the local bottle shop - Kate likes her red wine :-)) Once it was opened, it had to die !!!! A noble death though.