Friday, January 25, 2013

 13 Degrees C

I left Kate & Gordon's place at 0920 and headed down to the Suzuki dealer to get the chain adjusted. He needed a bar extension to crack the axle nut. No wonder I couldn't break it! Anyway, it was a 5 min job and I was on my way to savour the Great Ocean Road in the middle of the week!!!!!  Hopefully only light traffic.

The Start of the GOR

And it was :-)
A pano of the first observation point

The road was fantastic. Curve after curve after curve. Some tight as - and others 40 - 50kph posted that were taken at an energetic pace :-) The day was cool, bordering on cold, the traffic light and except for a handful of drivers, were all polite and pulled over into the layovers when I closed in on them. I rode the whole road through to Torquay where I stayed the night. I was cactus after 10+ hours of riding but my face was almost in a perpetual smile. Magic! Absolutlely! Totally in contrast to last years run on the GOR... (ie;- stinking hot and choked with cars)

The beach near the end of the GOR

I stayed at a motel in Torquay and I must have left my Wifi dongle there as I have been through all my gear and it's nowhere to be found! Blast, so early on my trip! It was 13 degrees when I left this morning but turned out to be a scorcher by midday.Victorian Weather !

I checked the bike and trailer over as I do every morning and this time I found that one of the bolts holding the tow bar riser had unscrewed itself almost to the last thread. Glad I saw that! Retightened it and added a touch of silicone to the thread. That will fix that!

I called into Geelong and had a locksmith cut me a key for the trailer. The keys I took from home had all the rest I needed but not THAT one. I know, I know, I should have checked all the locks before leaving home. Now I can lock the box when I have to leave the bike;-) Makes me feel much better!

All set up
I pulled into a BIG 4 caravan park for the night. It's 9 km from Melbourne CBD and exceptionally clean and well laid out. The train station is 1.5 km away so it will be into the city tomorrow to find a spare set of kevlar pants etc tomorrow. I have already been to the business centre and picked up some XS and enough vitamins for the rest of the trip :-)
Blog station:-)

Swung the cat! Didn't touch the sides


A beautiful cool day today. There was the occasional 2 or 3 drops but that was the extent of it. I ended up going by bus as the bus stop was justside the van park. Conveinent! Should have taken a jacket though. The wind was in a hurry in the city today and didn't want to waste time going around you. Brrrr. (Territory Wurst :-))

I had a look at the new suzy C90T cruiser (1500cc). Very nice. I spent some time looking at kevlars but ended up buying a pair of thermal gloves instead. I'll head in again tomorrow and have another look and also a new helmet. Mine is disintergrating on the inside.

Oh yes, I rang the Torquey van park yesterday and this afternoon when I came back from the city the woman at reception handed me a package. My WiFi dongle...  :-)


  1. Great blog papa :-)
    We're sitting in Hobart airport, Adam's flying to Darwin tonight. Thanks for letting him have your bed whilst you're off on this adventure. Sebby's got a bed set up for you & Connor has a chair next to him at the table for you xoxo
    See ya soon :-)

  2. Looks like you're usual, very organized, very neat getup there father!! I like the bottle of wine next to the "blog station", reminds me we don't have any left, and I wouldn't mind a glass right about now. Bugger!!
    This time next week we'll be in Melbourne for a wedding, make sure you leave us some decent weather please, and at least a bottle or two of red would be great aswell!!
    Love ya Paps, ride safe!!
    SSJL!! :)

  3. G'day Sam :-) And I was down to my last 187.5ml !! . A Rosemount, very noice indeed :-)

  4. G'day mate. Glad you got your dongle back. Sounds like the whole trip so for has been a complete contrast to the last time. Tent looks good and loads of room. We will have to get you a road cam. Love to see some of the roads you're on.
    Stay safe.

  5. Happy Australia day Papa!! Your ocean road was fantastic looks beautiful:) you are not anymore cold ?! Your rent looks good Papa:D hope you keep enjoying and be safe !!.love you lots xoxo

    1. Aussie, Aussie, Aussie - oi, oi, oi !!! It's been very cool all day :-) Bought a new helmet and I'm off to Tassie tomorrow :-)

  6. Well ill try again previous post didn't ��any way Lazar at the risk of repeating myself (cause it could turn up anywhere out of cyber space) Your blogs are a joy to read mate! Great pics too, yr blog n guzzle spot is awesome plenty of room I see. Glad you got yr dongle back cause I don't reckon a bloke can be the full quid without his dongle ha ha! Sounds like the Tassie kids are excited about yr forth coming visit eh? Be safe n keep doin it disgracefully! :))
