Thursday, February 14, 2013

Pestered by Krystal and Rekysha to take them for a ride, somewhere !! :-)

Rekysha was first and with instructions to 'lean with the rider' we headed off about  9-ish for Cygnet and points beyond. Without the trailer and even with Rekysha relaxed on the back I took to the corners with some care as the roads were wet from overnight rain.  Through Cygnet and on to Kettering where, as the road dried out I rode with a little more exuberance :-)

At the Kettering marina

We pulled into Kettering for a hot drink and to check the ferry times to Bruny Island. Watched the ferry come in and then back to the Cydnet - Margate road. Stopped at the intersection to pick up a loaf of sprouted rye sourdough and then off to the 'train' at Margate where we had a wander through some of the carriages.
Feeling peckish and seeing as Hobart was only 20min away we headed there for lunch. After a Thai curry we headed back to the bike and came across the original Cascade Brewery building. I had heard that the Captain Bligh cider was being brewed there but to my dismay, the building was undergoing renos and was empty !!!!!
The Bruny ferry

A quick burst through the pass, taken at the legal speed saw us passing everything in sight and too soon we were passing through Huonville, Franklin and then home.. Rekysha had a smile a mile wide.

Another sunny day and it was Krystal's turn today !! Again a 9-ish start and we headed Southwest. We passed through Port Huon and Geeveston on the way to Dover where we stopped for a drink. Krystal had relaxed by now and was no longer hanging on for dear life :-) We took the back way to Geeveston via Surveyors Bay and Police Point. Fantastic narrow road with corner after corner. Magic !! Saw some beautiful small beaches and the numerous salmon farms in the bay. Saw my first snake in Tassie!.
Morning tea at Geeveston

We pulled up at Geeveston to refuel the bike and ourselves. Stopped at a little bakery that had a reputation for good pies. Today must not have been a good pie day as the curry pie I had was a sorry imitation. We called in to the local lolly shop where Krystal got lost :-) then into the timber museum to purchase tickets for the Tahune tree walk. Instead of having to fork out $50.00 for the two of us we / I only paid $22.50 (concession) and Krystal ended up being free as she signed up as being a local. :-)

Tree Hugger !!
The road to the tree walk was absolutely magic. Krystal, by now was relaxed and a professional pillion :-). The tree walk was fantastic. From the ground the trees were giants and from the tree walk they still towered into the sky. The only change I would make is to pack a pair of good walking shoes into a backpack. Riding boots are not made for walking!!

From the tree walk platform

A quick refuel for the body and we were off again. On the way back I spied an echidna. As I pulled up I looked back I saw Krystal was running back to where we had seen it go off the road. She hadn't waited for me to stop the bike but had leaped off the bike !!..... It looked like half a spiky ball and resisted Krystal's attempt to pick it up...  Lucky she was wearing good leather gloves :-) She eventually got her fingers under and picked it up.  After a quick couple of photos she put it down where it again anchored itself with its extremely long claws.
 We rolled back home about 4-ish. Another great day on the bike :-)

Decided to go into Hobart to find the Captain Bligh cider brewery today.  I travelled there via the old Huon road. I think my maximum speed was less than 80km/h and in most cases less than 60km/h due to the number of twists and turns in the road. 

I passed a couple of blokes in a paddock cutting planks so I turned around to have a closer look. Fascinating !!  They were cutting 50 x 100 mm greenwood planks from a large log using a portable  cutter on rails.  Got their card for Adam & Kate. They will cut to order.

I found the building where the brewery was supposed to be...  Must be a mythical brewery!! I came back via the Huon highway as there was a large forest fire near Mt Wellington and the smoke was too thick to see through.. The sweeps through the pass were taken at near toe scraper angles. Great !!

We headed into Hobart to have a look at the Wooden Boat Festival at the waterfront.Rekysha stayed home - crook as. Krystal came with me on the bike and the rest went by car. The place was chokkers with people, and boats! they were packed in like sardines, everywhere!! There static displays of wooden boats of all descriptions... from row boats to high speed power boats and small sailing boats galore :-) Some of them were works of art. The finish on them smoother than glass and the attention to detail was amazing.

In the marina there were canoe races, row boat competitions with single occupants in small row boats and multi oared demonstrations in much larger boats. I enjoyed watching the boat building competitions by kids and teenagers. Some of these boats on display were for sale and there were a few 25 - 30 footers that appeared to be outfitted with every gadget that would gladden a seafarer's heart.

Unfortunately we had to call it a day at the marina and headed to the botanical gardens to allow the little ones an opportunity to burn a their stored up energy. Having been held captive in their strollers or by a firm handhold by the adults, and by threats of the withholding of treats, they were ready for the open spaces of the gardens :-)

Krystal was happy to be pillion again. Something that wouldn't have happened if Rekysha had been with us today.

Rest day (?) Most of today was spent in the kitchen with Kate preserving plums and greengages, making pickles and drying apricots :-) Oh yes, and pickling the largest garlic cloves I have ever seen!!

Following that Adam and I  went up the paddock to cut down a large wattle that was on it's last legs. It was destined to become firewood for the coming winter. Not thinking, I loaded up the wheel barrow with cut timber and when I lifted the handles, away it went and ended up spilling it's load. It was too steep an incline!! Down on a 'slightly' less of an incline, reload the barrow and I was right after that. :-)

Lumberjacks or Flapjacks ??

Ended today feeling slightly cactus !!!

1 comment:

  1. Hehe still can't get over the fact you're wearing shorts in Tassie father!
    I can imagine you being like a fat kid in a lolly shop at that boat show... 'Spose once retirement comes around, there isn't going to be a lot holding you back from spending a lot of time down there huh? Between the boats, winding roads and beautiful boats (not forgetting family), whats not to like???
    Great Read Papa!
    Ride Safe!!
    Sam :)
