Thursday, March 14, 2013

I got a name of a bike rider/mechanic from Brett last night and went up to the Shell servo to find him. Yep, they knew him. He left Friday to Adelaide for the long weekend. $#@%!! Everything remotely to do with repair work was closed.. I went back to the servo and had a look around and came across some stuff called 'PermaWeld'. A high temp repair 'two part mix' for cracked blocks, cylinder heads and radiators amongst other uses. That will do I thought. It's worth a try.. I also picked up a small bottle of Stop Leak Concentrate that claims to work with any antifreeze. Nothing like using two bullets on the same target I thought :-)

Thoroughly cleaned the outside of the radiator then mixed the PermaWeld and used a pointed matchstick as an applicator. Filled every nick, holed or not and then put it outside to set.( 4+ hours to dry then abt 10+ hours before use). I reassembled it after 4 hours in 38+ degrees outside then installed it back onto the bike

Had to play around a bit to ensure the fan sat square to the radiator with a 6mm clearance all round. Getting in the coolant was a slow and labourious job as I had to keep squeezing the radiator hose to get the air bubbles out. (A bit like milking a cow :-)). Finally all the fairings are back on and the fuel tank reinstalled. ALL SYSTEMS ARE GO !! I'm hoping nothing will go wrong and will have an early start to beat some of the heat tomorrow.

Up at 0600, packed up then headed to the Shell servo where I removed the fuel tank and rechecked the radiator. Only needed about 150ml !! Back on with the tank and on the road. I took the first 50k slowly and then stopped and checked for leaks. NON !! Then travelled the next 100k at about 100km/h then stopped and rechecked for leaks. NON !! After that it was 110km/h and the only stops were for fuel. Starting to warm up and the neck cooler that Rebecca and Brett bought me went on.  I had kept it moistened and in a ziplock bag in the cooler overnight and it was 'cool as'

Refuelled at Elrunda (Name translation -:> HOT AS HELL!!

Finally reached Alice Springs at about 1530 hrs and decided to take up Nicole's offer and stay the night at their place. A good home cooked meal, good conversation and a comfortable bed in an air-conditioned room, what more could a bloke on the road want ?? (and a couple of icy cold beers. Thanks Mark :-)).

12/03/2013 (Dad's Birthday)
Up at 0630 and reloaded the trailer and removed the fuel tank to check the radiator. It needed less than 100ml of coolant though the overflow tank needed about 250ml. All good!! I left Mark & Nicole's place at 0730 and was able to sit at a comfortable 120km/h and only stopped to refuel the bike (and myself as required). Tennant creek came and went. Then Elliot went by. 

Mataranka saw me looking down the barrel to Katherine and after 1180+ km I pulled up at the United servo to refuel. Whew!!! 1180+ km and it was 1930 hrs. I will have to get an 'ironbutt' badge this time!! This is the 6th time I have done a run of over 1100km but the only time I have had someone register the time I left and the time I arrived. (Alas, I was told, “unless it’s a sanctioned ride, it’s not counted as most motorcyclists do 1000km+ on a regular basis”) Do they now ??

Becks was waiting for me in Katherine and I stayed the night with her. She had it all organized :-) A glass of wine (or two), a BIG bowl of delicious pasta, a bloody hot plentiful shower and a large comfortable bed to crash on.

A VERY lazy day in Katherine starting with a coffee at the 'Coffee Club'. Becks joined me for that. Then up to the room to try to get some of this blog up to date. It was a stinker of a day and as this was the home run, so to speak, Becks suggested I hang around until she finished work at three. Some of the heat would have gone from the day. Checked the radiator, all OK. :-) Caught up with a couple of mates and next thing it was 1545.

1545 and off we headed with Becks up ahead in her car. Storms were building up and I kept an eye on a large one to my right but the road eventually veered away from it. The closer we got to Adelaide River the more storms were appearing, on both sides of the road. It looked as if I was destined to get wet before I got home. But.... the way cleared as we got closer to them.

Refueled at Adelaide River and on the road again. Only 100km before home, AND suddenly it was almost cold!! I could see where it had rained and moved on leaving puddles and ....... a coolness I had not felt since leaving Tasmania. Beauty!! An so it was until I was at the gate of home. Nearly 13,000km and I could have turned around and done it again !!

I put out a challange at the end of my last trip and there were no takers. Pity!! 

I’ve had a ball. Been freezing cold at Taraleah and damn hot at Elrunda. Pigged out on fresh fruit throughout Tasmania but in particular at Kate & Adam’s place. The prunes, ahhhhh the prunes... Oh yes, not to forget the blackberries and the plums and....... bugger !! it was all good and I STILL didn’t get to see or go everywhere !!

Maybe Next Time !! Coming ??


  1. WOW papa, Bloody great blog.
    Untill next time hey!!!
    All good things must come to an end so the next exciting adventure can begin.
    Love you lots xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Phew!!! What a read Papa!! The last bits were relentless, I can just imagine the heat you had to ride through, certainly wouldn't have been a lot of fun, although I reckon you'd do it again in a heartbeat!!
    Now your home, whats next?? You've been on the road for 6-7 weeks(?), sitting still is gonna be hard for ya I bet!!
    Next trip I'd love to do a "partial" with ya!! Wouldn't be able to get the full amount of time off work, but a couple of weeks is a distinct possibility!!
    Becks sent me a text lastnight about her bike, tempted for sure!!!
    The blogg works well through G+, like I've said on the previous, for some reason I can't leave a comment on my phone... Oh well, guess I'll just have to use the good "old fashioned" PC!!
    Love ya heaps Father, awesome reading your bloggs, defo gotta get there, prob aim for when you're down there next I reckon!!
    Speak soon!!!
    Sam, Sue, Jacob and Leila!! XO

  3. Look forward to your company on a trip.:-) even a couple of weeks would be heaps of fun:-)
