Wednesday, January 18, 2012

15/01/12 (21c Forecast)
Had a late start today. Did not leave Peter's place until 0930 today. Fuelled up at Sorrell and  headed to Huonville. Pulled up in the middle of town, figured I would have a coffee and a bite to eat before heading to Franklin. Alas and alack. No wallet !! %$(^%!!. Went through every pocket I had and even ones I didn't. Still no wallet. All my cards, ID etc !! Looked through my tank bag, jacket, bumbag and even the trailer. Rang 'The Organiser' and she suggested transferring funds to Zoe's account (The real estate agent in Huonville) and she would withdraw, from her account, cash for me to use. Kate rang  the servo at Sorrell but no joy. I rang the police but the wallet had not been handed in as yet.

I decided to  head back to Sorell and dropped off the trailer at Ruth's place. (Kate & Adam's neighbour on the right). Her driveway was the least steepest to the three. Even then I had a bit of trouble getting up the drive with the trailer.

The ride to Sorrel and back was a great ride and I would have enjoyed it more if I didn't have the loss of my wallet on my mind. I didn't find it.

I met Zoe at the Huonville ANZ and, feeling much better with a few dollars in my pockets, went to the Franklin pub and had a hot roast dinner at Kate & Adam's recommendation. As it was late in the afternoon by then, it was my lunch and dinner.

I had a quick look at the wooden boat workshop, (it had already closed) then went to Jenny's place. Boy THAT was a steep driveway !!.  She came out as soon as I pulled up and invited me in for a cup of tea and then along with her great granddaughter showed me to my bedroom for my stay whilst there. A lovely old lady. I will use her place as a base for a few days after I have done the work at Kate & Adam's place. I can travel around for a few days and enjoy the curves and the scenery and the cheap cherries. ($10 for 3Kg)

I had a quick walk in her front yard and photographed a couple of her fruit trees :-) I could not get to them all as it was 'a jungle out there' :-)


Apricots - yum yum
And more plums

160112 (27c Forecast)
Up early. Bed was toastie but sun was up high already. Had my &^)*&% phone charging in the kitchen and when I looked at the time it was 0615 !! Too late, I was up !! I sat on the veranda with a cup of tea and watched a group of people sculling up the river with someone in a small power boat yelling obscenities at them, telling them to 'pull their finger out' and to 'put their backs into it' :-) I figured it was their loving coach :-)

 I then walked amongst the plum trees, munching on a few ripe ones then down the driveway in search of a few hand fulls of blackberries. It's a beautiful part of the world and I can see why Kate & Adam are so rapt in it. I will have to come back in Feb - March next time :-)

Apples - not ripe yet
I received a call from Ruth next door to Kate's, John had left a voice mail inviting me to the Wooden Boat school in Franklin at 1730. I could help out working on a boat and there was a meal afterwards, with a glass of wine or two. How could I refuse !!

What a great evening !! Talked to different codgers ( I was going to say 'old codgers' but some of them were my age :-)) Someone was working on a mast, another replacing a stern on a boat, someone else was using an adz on a plank while there were a couple of fellers re-assembling a old Lister single pot motor.  John was outside teaching this young bloke how to use the adz  on a short length of a tree trunk.  I went onto Johns boat later and chatted to him. He was installing a handmade timber ring to go around the mast. I offered (probably unneeded) advice on securing  the ring

John teaching a young fella how to use a plane

In for major repairs :-)

 It was a really great evening, and then they called us in for supper. The others (about 15) were  already eating !! Roast chicken, Spuds, (a type they called 'pinkeye') done in butter and garlic, small boiled beetroots, cabbage salad done with red and green cabbage and finely sliced apple with a superb dressing and large bowls of crusty bread rolls. Oh yes, a choice of red or white wine to wash everything down. For medical reasons, I had two glasses of red to wash down the meal. Thinking, that's it, I'm full, out came large bowls of freshly made fruit salad sitting on small mountains of ice cream !!  Where was I going to put that !! I managed, only just...

After the dishes had gone I sat next to the young lass that had helped prepare the food. She had made the cabbage salad, which I commended her on. I found out that she and partner came from East Germany and it was her mothers recipe. They were both working at the wooden boat building school to learn more about the art of traditional boat building and had been there 2 months already. They had been down the East coast of the mainland but not to WA & the NT. Being a true Territorian I recommended that they visit the NT to experience the joys of swimming with the salties and sea wasps. They declined for some reason :-)

It was a really magic evening and great way to meet a few locals and fellow travellers :-)

17/01/12 (31 Forecast) - (36c actual - in Hobart - not here !!)
A quiet day today. Foraged amongst the various plum trees and blackberry bushes for breakfast and then washed it down with a cuppa on the veranda overlooking the Huon River. There were the scullers again. Only this time there were 2 per boat !!  Their coach trailing in a tinnie yelling out his views on their skills. I found out that this stretch of the river has an internationally known 2000m rowing course. Right out the front of Jennies place !!

John's boat is the one on the left

I removed all the old blinds at Kate & Adams place and had Zoe (Homelands Real Estate) drop off the new stuff ready for me tomorrow. Then rode to Kingston (30km away) for a phone to replace my non functioning 'smart' phone. No luck as I had to have ID.........  I went to the police station twice today but it was closed !! The sign said 'out on road patrol"

Found my old license in the safe so tomorrow it's off to Woollies or Chicken Feed (like a $5 shop)  in Huonville for a temporary phone. Went today - No Telstra phones !!


  1. Gooday Hermann.Sounds like a memorable trip. Carolyn and I will be in Tazzie on friday. Hope to catch up.Be in Hobart area for 3 or 4 days before we head off to the wall in the wilderness and beyond.Take care,Jim

  2. Lol, never a dull moment with you father!!!!
    The area you are in looks beautiful, really need to get down there and experience it for ourselves!!
    Bloody Androids huh?!! (I know you'll disagree, hehe).
    Didn't leave your wallet at Peter's place? Guess you already looked there huh :S Hopefully it turns up! Hate that feeling...
    Good to hear from ya!
    Love ya, ride safe :)

  3. It could have also been Bloody iPhones :-) I had used the wallet at Sorell to refuel the bike. I've had no call from the police so far :-(

    No such thing as a dull moment, that's for sure :-)
